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Gangrena & Gore Obsessed & Surgery & Satanic Butcher - Embalmed in Gore (Split 2011)

  • Decadent
  • Etiquetas: , , , , ,

  • BANDA: Gangrena & Gore Obsessed & Surgery & Satanic Butcher
    ÁLBUM: Embalmed in Gore 
    AÑO:  2011
    GENERO: Brutal Death/GrindCore
    01 - Gangrena - Origin Of The Aberrations
    02 - Gangrena - Lords Of Madness
    03 - Gangrena - Sanguineous Drinker
    04 - Gangrena - Necrotic Domination
    05 - Gore Obsessed - Covered In Gore
    06 - Gore Obsessed - Trap Them, Kill Them
    07 - Gore Obsessed - Zombiefied
    08 - Gore Obsessed - Re-Animator
    09 - Satanic Butcher - Offal Of The Corpse
    10 - Satanic Butcher - Orgasmic Reek
    11 - Satanic Butcher - Somatic Death
    12 - Satanic Butcher - Zombie Holocaust
    13 - Surgery - Whorehead Collection
    14 - Surgery - Beyond Torture & Murder
    15 - Surgery - Tendency To Mutilation
    16 - Surgery - Heretic Doctrine

    Solo Gore Obsessed son extranjeros(Alemania), las demás bandas son Mexicanas!! Le doy las gracias a Markus E. Malkavelkian por este gran aporte!!
